July 07, 2020

Top 5 free HOSTING sites with instructions

Top 5 free HOSTING sites with instructions
Thu Nghiem

Thu Nghiem

Getting your website deployed is probably the first thing you want to do and with these 5 sites, you can do it in just minutes.

The order is alphabetical


With Firebase hosting, you can deploy web apps - both static and dynamic content by a single command.

Step 1. Install the Firebase CLI

npm install -g firebase-tools

Step 2. Sign into Firebase

firebase login

Step 3. Navigate into your project

firebase init

Step 4. Prepare your site

npm run build

Step 5. Deploy

firebase deploy


Netlify supports GitHub, GitLab and Bitbucket, it will redeploy the site just by pushing the code without manually rebuild.

Step 1. Login to Netlify and select New site from git

Step 2. Choose your repository and configure settings with options:

  • Branch to deploy, default master
  • Build Command, default npm run build
  • Publish directory, default public, but it is usually public, dist, build,...

Step 3. Select Deploy site


With Render, you can host static sites, backend APIs, databases, cron jobs, and all your other apps in one place.

Step 1. Login to Render and create a new Web Service and give access to your repository

Step 2. Enter your settings

  • Environment: Static Site
  • Build Command: e.g npm run build
  • Publish Directory: e.g public, dist, build,...
  • Select Create Web Service


Surge is a cloud platform to publish static web for Front-End Developers.

Step 1. Install the surge CLI

npm install -g surge

Step 2. Build your site

npm run build

Step 3. Deploy your site providing your Publish Directory

surge public/


Vercel is a cloud platform for websites and serverless APIs, free and easy to use

Step 1. Install the Vercel CLI

npm i -g vercel

Step 2. Deploy



Deploy and hosting is fast and easy. These sites are perfect for you to host any solutions from devchallenges.io